Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Poems from Oxidations

The Unknown Soldier of Gela
by Giovanni

I always miss one or more publications each year. Last month, Klaus J. Gerken editor of the brilliant Ygdrasil, http://users.synapse.net/kgerken/Y-1809.pdf published the eight poems from Cable & Fuses the second part of Oxidations, translated from the French Oxydations, once read on a radio show back in 1994 and once published in L'Etre some time in the mid-2000s. I'm glad these poems were published last month. Another excerpt from this same volume of poetry was published in Madswirl Poetry Forum. http://madswirl.com/poetry/2018/09/the-suicidal-decadencies-1/
Thanks to all these north-American contacts or correspondents I have never met, and probably never will, I don't have the impression that I write sh*t.